how to increase blog traffic With Long Tail Keyword

how to increase blog traffic

New bloggers know that getting steady traffic to a website is an uphill battle for the first few months, and getting any significant traffic from search engines can take even longer. Carefully crafting content that focuses on long tail keywords gets a new site ranked faster.
Basically, long tail keywords are more specific and less used search terms. All that means is fewer people bother to type a bunch of words into the search engine, but those who do are really zeroing in on what they're searching for.
It can seem counter-intuitive to target keywords with less search traffic. After all, if the term "weight loss" receives a quarter-million hits per month, shouldn't your blog vie for a position with those searchers?
The more general the search term, the more big blogs and websites appear on the first three or four results pages. Big sites have better page rank simply because they have more volume--in posts, in hits, in just about every area.
Small blogs that target long tail keywords and achieve high page rank for specific searches boost the blog's overall rank (also known as authority). Over time, this could bring the blog into high page rank for more general searches, too.
So, where do you find these long tail keywords? Begin with Google's keyword planner and spend some time playing with the tool. Learn its nuances and try different things until you find a method of using the keyword tool that works for you.
Next, look at your blog's analytics and pay attention to search terms that led visitors to your blog. If you have enough traffic, there should be several search terms listed that you may want to target in the future.
Finally, use Google's autofill capability. Simply begin to type your keywords into the search box and make a note of long tail terms that Google, Bing and Yahoo suggest.
Start with long tail keywords when your blog is new, and then gradually shift your focus to more general search terms with higher clicks. It will still take some time to achieve page rank, but you'll be better off overall.

OK How to Find Long Tail Keyword Read below Post Here

5 Ways To Discover Long Tail Keyword

So where should you go to find those traffic- and lead-driving long-tail keywords? Here are 5 tips to get you started.

1. Use Google Suggest

Google Suggestions are an awesome source of long-tail keyword variations. Just start typing your primary keyword into the Google search box and see what variations Google suggests:
how to increase blog traffic

2. Use Google’s Related Searches
 If it turns up in a Google suggestion

 you know that it’s a phrase people are searching for. These suggestions won’t necessarily inspire your faith in humanity (we all remember the “I am extremely terrified of Chinese people” debacle …), but they might inspire good content.
Same principle as the Google Suggestions that appear while you’re typing your query, but these suggested related searches appear at the bottom of the SERP, below the first page of organic results:
You may get slightly more suggestions here (in this case, eight keywords versus just four above), and they may also be slightly more personalized (Google knows I live in Colorado, hence the “Denver” and “Fort Collins” modifiers).
how to increase blog traffic

3. Use More and Different Keyword Research Tools

If you only use one keyword tool every time you do keyword research, you’re selling yourself short and probably missing out on tons of long-tail keyword variations. The Google Keyword Tool is a great basic tool and a good place to start, but if you’re looking for more long-tail keywords, try these other options too:

1.Soovle (Free)

The more keyword tools you consult, the more long-tail keyword variations you’re likely to find.

4. Use Your Analytics

Your analytics will tell you many, if not all, of the keyword phrases that lead visitors to your website. By digging through these keyword referrers, you’ll be able to find a bunch of long-tail queries that are driving traffic for you. These keywords may be relevant to your business but not yet highly targeted by a single page on your site. For example, a few years ago we found that a lot of people were searching on the phrase “what’s a good click through rate” to wind up at our site, but we didn’t have a page with that title, so we wrote one, and now it drives tons of traffic.
To find your own private store of long-tail keywords, go into your analytics and locate your organic keyword referrals (in Google Analytics, the path is Traffic Sources -> Sources -> Search -> Organic). You can simply scan all the terms for good, relevant long-tail keywords you can turn into content, or you can set the time frame to something pretty large (dependin
g on your traffic flow, try a 3-, 6-, or 12-month period) so you’ll have a lot of data to look at, then search for patterns. For example, you might search for question keywords (i.e. terms that begin with “what,” “why,” etc.).

5. Use Your Search Query Reports

If you’re running a PPC campaign in AdWords, don’t forget to use your Search Query Report the same way you’d use your analytics, just one of many ways that PPC data can inform your SEO. Your Search Query Report shows you the search queries that drove people to click on your ads, rather than your organic search results. As an added bonus, you get fuller access to this data than you do your organic referrers in Google Analytics. It may also be easier to see which keywords are driving conversions, not just traffic.
how to increase blog traffic

see also :  how to get blog traffic from twitter 

see also :  how to Get Your Blog Top Ranked

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