In the quest for success these days, one of the most important things to consider is one’s search engine optimization strategies and—more specifically—how to properly use search engine optimization to get on Google’s good side and increase one’s rankings. Here Shweiki teams up with Ryan Dohrn, Internet consultant and founder of Brain Swell Media, to present a must-watch webinar on tips for enhancing one’s Google SEO Success.
Why Google Makes Changes
To improve results
To fight spammers
To give the very best of what they scan
It’s important to know the reason why Google is making these changes (that can range from 300 to 3,000 a year), which is simply to make the search engine better. Once one knows the method behind the madness, it’s easier to understand the importance of adapting to Google’s standards.
Google’s Top 10 SEO "likes
There are 10 things that help one’s site rank favorably with Google:
1. Keyword-rich articles
2. Articles that are very specific
3. Videos and photos that back up articles
4. People linking to one’s site
5. People sharing one’s site on social media
6. When, as a site, one tells visitors where to look
7. Articles that are obvious and keyword dense
8. H1 tags, block quotes
9. When titles/headlines make sense
10. Bold text
Using Keyword-Rich Articles
When it comes to keywords, what’s important to consider isn’t just quality—i.e. terms that people will undoubtedly be searching for in high volume—but quantity. Articles on one’s site should be rich with keywords to help improve one's SEO rank. It’s not simply enough to work keywords into one’s title or headline, but to implement them throughout the article as well, whenever possible.
ex (Keyword :search engine optimization,seo tutorial,how to increase blog traffic)
Using Videos and Photos
Google tends to rank articles better when there are two or more properly tagged photos used as well. The best way to do this is filling tout the alt tag on a photo through the content management system and name the photo correctly as well.
While it is, admittedly, another step in the process and takes a little bit of effort, when done honestly and ethically, it can definitely help one win Google’s favor.
Telling Google Where to Look
Another crucial element to SEO success is a site map that will guide the Google bot through one’s website. A good thing to have is an xml site map that’s available through the robots.txt file, which guides the Google bot. Another important thing to note is making sure that one’s website is listed within one’s Google webmaster tool set, which is actually easy to do.
One common mistake is to confuse a site map with an index. Many people believe that navigation alone is going to guide Google through one’s website, but a site map is very important and—along with the aforementioned tools, tips and more—will help one achieve excellent Google SEO.
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