A successful launch of CTD 2.0, Connect the Doc's new and improved online appointment booking and healthcare referral platform, has significantly increased both bookings and clinic enrolment

Connect the Doc (CTD) announced today a successful launch of CTD Version 2.0, a new release of their online appointment booking service for private healthcare practitioners that improves ease of use for both clinics and patients. Major new features include:

+ A custom widget that provides patients with easy one-click access to CTD’s booking service, which clinics can install on their web pages.
+ The ability for patients to request appointments 24/7, at times that may already be booked, which gives clinics more opportunity to respond to urgent requests or new patient queries.
+ A calendar enhancement that lets clinics set up additional appointment times for specific types of treatments, allowing them to maximize availability and respond to emergencies.
CTD 2.0 adds more convenience for the patient and more opportunities for clinics. The CTD client base of private clinics and healthcare professionals includes:Vancouver dentists, naturopathic doctors, physiotherapists, registered massage therapists, chiropractors and skin care specialists, all of whom need flexible scheduling options that make it easier to fit in special requests and last-minute appointments. CTD gives patients an online channel for finding the healthcare they need and for clinics to fill their appointment schedule through patient-initiated bookings.
"We knew the new features were compelling," says CTD co-founder Nadeem Kassam, "because we previewed these new features at the beginning of December; since then we have seen 87% growth compared to the previous month – which, at the time, was our best month to date. These features have helped us double the number of clinics who have signed on. It’s clear they see how CTD Version 2.0 can help them fill unused time slots and how easy it is to use."
"Connect the Doc has been an amazing help to our business," says Dr. Abbas Tejani, of Kerrisdale Dental Centre. "Since we started working with them on all of our marketing, all parts of our business have improved. Their attention to detail and emphasis on measurable results has helped us grow our business significantly."
Other new functionality in CTD 2.0 allows clinics to customize their list of services to add specialized treatments not yet featured on CTD’s main services list; in addition, improved profile pages let patients view clinic and practitioner information and book appointments from the same web page.

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